Supercharge your B2B Trade Campaigns with Influencers

Chris Grabowski
The use of B2B influencers in marketing campaigns is a trend that’s here to stay. 

We recently interviewed over 100 UK senior marketers across retail, hospitality and construction businesses, exploring how Trade & B2B influencers have the capacity to boost campaign engagement and become an essential, impactful, and measurable part of their communications armoury.

Many of our survey respondents understand the power of Trade & B2B influencers. More than four in 10 (42%) currently use them in their campaigns. A further 35% have previously used them. Meanwhile, around one in seven (14%) say they will consider influencers for future Trade & B2B communications initiatives.

Furthermore, 92% of marketers believe B2B communications is an integral part of their marketing strategy and half of those polled believe their organisation’s B2B PR strategy is well-established. This rises to 56% of marketers at retail firms.

No surprise really. With the right strategy in place, direct attribution to commercial performance is achievable, which we’ve proven time and time again for our clients.

To find out more about how you can supercharge your B2B & Retail Trade campaigns, click here to download your exclusive copy of our report: ‘Trading Up: How to use influencers to boost B2B campaigns’.

Get in touch with Amy Searle – MD B2B & Retail Trade at if you’d like to find out more.

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