Bravo, Brands


Cirkle Team

As Captain Tom Moore approaches his 100th birthday, having raised £28m+ for the NHS with his garden laps, we continue to celebrate some impressive brand behaviours that have caught our eye during lockdown.

EE’s celeb. ambassador, Kevin Bacon, spoke with authenticity in a rough cut TV ad. which thanked NHS staff – gifting them with unlimited data until October, whilst Morrisons continued to be true to its purpose of ‘feeding the nation’ – offering 10% discount for NHS workers (on top of its hospital car parks click & collect food deliveries for the frontline).

Birds Eye, the self styled ‘brand of reassurance’ launched its ‘What’s for Tea?’ TV and social media campaign, giving a plethora of helpful advice and inspiration for healthy meals and innovative craft ideas for kids … it vowed not to ‘go dark’ in this time of uncertainty where consumers crave support and consistent messages from brands they trust.

John Lewis shifted its bricks and mortar model, introducing virtual services to support ‘Isolation Britain’ with one-to-one home design, parental and personal styling video advice from experts via Instagram. Providing much needed comfort and entertainment, Secret Cinema partnered with Haagen Daaz with its ‘Secret Sofa’ film screenings and discounted ice cream through #HaagIndoors.

Meanwhile in India, Dettol’s #HandWashingChallenge ‘dance’ saw influencers clock up 30 billion views on Tik Tock … a highly effective way of increasing brand saliency amongst a younger audience!   And over in LA, The Getty Museum set a creativity challenge to its Twitter followers to recreate famous works of art using only things from their homes, resulting in imaginative iterations.

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